Transformative Counseling Services in Burnet, TX

Meta Description:

“Discover professional counseling services in Burnet, TX at Peace Of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling, Inc. Our dedicated therapists offer individual, child, adolescent, family, and couple counseling. Find peace and healing in your journey.”

Expert Counseling Services in Burnet, TX

Welcome to Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling, Inc. in Burnet, TX. Our dedicated team of therapists is committed to providing exceptional counseling services to individuals, children, adolescents, families, and couples in the Burnet community.

At Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling, Inc., we understand the unique challenges faced by individuals and families in Burnet. Our goal is to offer a supportive and nurturing environment where you can explore, grow, and find solutions to life’s challenges.

The Services We Offer

Individual Counseling

Our counseling sessions are tailored to address your unique needs, providing a safe and confidential space for self-exploration and personal growth.

child counseling

Child Counseling

Our compassionate child counseling services focus on creating a supportive environment for children to express themselves and develop coping skills to navigate their emotions.

Adolescents Counseling

Navigating the challenges of adolescence can be complex. Our experienced therapists work with adolescents to build resilience and foster positive mental health.

Family Counseling

Family Counseling

Family dynamics can be intricate. Our family counseling services aim to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen relationships within the family unit.

Couples Counseling

Relationships require effort and understanding. Our couple counseling services provide a platform for couples to enhance communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen their connection.

Why Choose Peace Of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling?

At Peace Of Mind Wellness, we prioritize your mental health and well-being. Our therapists are highly trained and experienced in addressing various issues. We provide personalized, evidence-based counseling to help you achieve lasting positive change.

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Welcome to Peace of Mind

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s challenging to avoid stress and anxiety. However, there’s no need to worry! Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling is at your service, ready to assist in managing daily pressures. Their team of highly skilled counselors will help you navigate life’s challenges, empowering you to become the best version of yourself, Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling is committed to offering exceptional services tailored to your specific needs. They approach each session with authenticity, compassion, and sincerity, working with you to create a personalized program for your unique journey. With their support, you’ll take the first steps towards positive change, embarking on a path of self-discovery. We understand that seeking professional help can be daunting, but with Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling, you’ll find the peace of mind you deserve.

Peace of Mind Wellness & Family Counseling provides a diverse range of services to cater to various needs. Our individual counseling sessions involve one-on-one discussions between the counselor and client, aimed at building a trusting relationship that will aid personal growth. Our child counseling services help children develop communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and coping mechanisms to manage their emotions better and communicate more effectively with their peers and family. Our adolescent counseling aims to help young people make sense of their complex emotions, thoughts, and behaviors and utilizes innovative techniques that tap into their expressive nature. Our family counseling services encourage collaboration among family members to address and resolve problems between one or more individuals. Finally, our couples counseling service is designed to help partners establish a shared vision of their relationship, integrating each partner’s values and beliefs to build a stronger bond.

Our Administrators


Brianna Gistlinck - Client Care Coordinator

Based on 6 reviews
Debra Thompson
Debra Thompson
Peace of Kind Wellness provides high quality care: compassionate and competent. Highly recommend.
Jazmine Ulibarri
Jazmine Ulibarri
Peace of Mind Wellness is a wonderful place that cares about their clients. Definitely recommend coming here to receive support.
Sean Moore
Sean Moore
I would not recommend this Counseling Services. They set up appointments with my Minor Child that is 11 years old by phone bi- weekly. My child missed two appointments with the councilor. We being the parents were never made aware of by phone or text. They only sent emails to my wife whom does not view her email account often. We asked our daughter how the appointments were going and she said well. They charged my wives credit card $150.00 for each missed appointment totaling $300.00. My point is they never contacted my wife or myself to advise of the missed appointments from our 11 year old daughter by phone or text. This is for two sessions in a row with more than two weeks to reach out to us after the first occurrence. Wouldn't you think that they are a counseling agency that should have better communication? Its not just the money I am complaining about, its the fact that my daughter needs the help. shouldn't a councilor at the very least contact the parents by phone for the first missed appointment and be concerned for the child? Think about it, if they were really cared about what they did they would contact the parents right away and ask about their daughters well being.
I would not recommend this place, As a former client, I was treated unfairly. They documented that I missed several appointments which is not true, the client care coordinator does not have good customer service skills, bad communication and does not take accountability for mistakes on their behalf. They find ways to make it hard for patients who need mental services, it’s discouraging when they mistreat you and really don’t have a progress chart for patients. If you’re reading this, please find another provider, these people only want your money and really do not care what mental health patients are going through.
Jade Bowes
Jade Bowes
The therapist I saw at this location would always cut all my appointments short by ten minutes. She seemed uninterested in the things I had to say. If you didn’t think about all the things you wanted to talk about before your appointment and made initiative to bring up topics, she will cut your appointment short and bill you for the full amount of the session. Very unprofessional and I would not recommend. I finally told her I did not want to see her again and she didn’t even respond back to me. Worst therapist I have ever seen.
Jerry Ochoa
Jerry Ochoa
Great place to work things out highly recommend it 👍

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